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Rabbi Helps Christians to Get Finances In Order

By Elizabeth Jones

There is no question that religious tradition can teach us the very deepest values,"timeless tools" as Rabbi Celso calls them. "These tools were here before we got here and will be here after we are all gone, so we might as well use them," says Rabbi Celso Cukierkorn Author of The Bestselling Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed!

Indeed, his appeal to evangelicals is apparent. Just take a glance at his website or his book and you will quickly see that many of his areas of expertise overlap with those of Dave Ramsey. Rabbi Celso is zealous in his efforts to help his readers master their debt, to liberate them from their bondage to credit card companies and show them how best to put their money to work for them.

And that's not insignificant. Dave Ramsey is an evangelical, as are many of his readers and radio listeners. Rabbi Celso-author of the bestselling Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed-comes from a rabbinic line that spans 700 years, and his work draws on thousands of years of Jewish wisdom. Yet, Rabbi Celso knows that real wisdom isn't just applicable to one people group, but to everyone; perhaps this is why his book has found broad appeal, and why he frequently finds himself in the position of teaching evangelical Christians about healthy financial practices.

"The People's Rabbi", as they call him, speaks in a such a way that is simple to comprehend, but also using history and humor all tempered with a lot of good advice.

Actually, his evangelical readers seem just as enthused over his teachings as his Jewish ones. One Amazon review suggests that Rabbi Celso's appeal is in his ability to lean on a Jewish understanding of financial responsibility, but illuminate it in a way that connects with the non-Jewish person as well; the reviewer notes that the rabbi seems to excel at providing the insight needed for "the reader, from any religious background, to understand the Jewish perspective on investment and financial well-being." Another one of his readers, in a review posted to, summarizes the wide-ranging appeal of Rabbi Celso this way: "[Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed] distills the economic wisdom of thousands of years into a user-friendly compendium for contemporary life."

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