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Encouraging Words Don't Cost A Thing

By Tony Kcorb

Everyone knows that life can be tough. With a few simple steps you can be on your way to living a life that is free of stress an anxiety.

DON'T LET YOUR EMOTIONS CONTROL YOU: Living your life like you're dying means that one should wake up each morning and treat that day as if it were going to be the last day you had left. With this realization you would most certainly not waste any time and you would be eager to do the the things that make you happy. You wouldn't waste the day sleeping or watching television. You would try to work your way down some type of last minute bucket list and do it with eagerness. Acting in this way would certainly have you living in inspired action which is what it is all about.

GO ALL OUT: There is no reason whatsoever to start anything and not attack it with everything you've got. A characteristic that is found in all successful people is the habit of going all out when they decide to do something. When you live your life this way nothing can stop you. If something gets in your way you'll find a way around it or you'll go right through it. This is the essence of going all out. You will find a way no matter what.

FEAR KILLS DREAMS: Of all the things that stop people from doing the things they really want to do, fear can arguably rank number one. Our fear has a way of dictating not only what we accomplish, but what we will even try. Millions of people go to a job everyday that they hate because they are too scared to find another. Fear has made the graveyard the richest place in the world. Here is where countless inventions, intentions, and riches have been taken and never realized. To live the life of your dreams you need to realize what fear, how it's controlling you, and take action to correct it.

SET GOALS: If you were to ask the majority of people what it is that they really want, most would say that they don't know. Some may give you a very general idea of what they want, but very few can give you a detailed description of exactly what it is they want to achieve. If you don't have a great map to where you want to go you will certainly never get there. Setting goals and going over them religiously is probably the single most important step in becoming successful. Another thing that is important about goals is that if you don't write them down how and memorize them, how will you ever know when you succeed?

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