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There Are People Helping People Everywhere

By James Bell

In today's society many human beings will always find a way to assist their fellow man in a time of crisis. People helping people has always been something that has been installed into everyone's mind. The great man upstairs really appreciates it when he views all of his creatures going out of their way to be good Samaritans. Unfortunately there are quite a few humans who do not have the skills to make it on their own.

A very kind woman named Connie made sure that her family members had always been well taken care of since she was a caring person. At times she felt that all of the people living within New Haven were an extended part of her family and this was really a good thing. Bob was her husband of fifty years and he loved her very much.

Unfortunately she also had family members who were always getting into difficult situations. One of her dear daughters had always suffered during her lifetime and it was no surprise that she found herself living at a mental institute for a short period of time.

Her daughter Victoria needed to have a man around her during every hour of the day. She could not fully focus on anything but the male species and this was very strange. At the age of eighteen Victoria found herself living with a man who was very controlling and he wanted to keep her a prisoner. She would sometimes escape his prison by going to different clubs in the area.

The men at the bars knew that she was the type of woman who was willing to give in to any male which looked good or bad. She would often go to their homes to have hot sex and her spouse was not aware of this particular situation. After he found out about the affairs he left her all alone.

After the marriage had ended Victoria became obsessed with her former husband and would stalk him and his mother. She made the mistake of showing up at her mother-in-laws place of employment one afternoon and the police were called to the scene immediately. They tried to talk to the demented young woman but failed to make progress in any type of manner. Eventually the law enforcement officials were forced to take her to jail.

While staying within a holding cell Victoria decided to make matters even worse by going into a fit of rage. She made sure that the officers had to change her dirty clothes after she defecated in them. They were totally disgusted and called a mental hospital to the scene. The humans working for this establishment were more than happy to come and take Victoria away for a short time.

The staff also gave Connie a telephone call in the middle of the night when they were having a hard time controlling Victoria. Fortunately Connie was able to sign her dear sweet child out of this useful facility which does a good job taking care of the insane human beings.

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