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Sold Out After Crisis PDF Download

By Michael Howard

Even though many people in America are living snugly inside their suburban home, when disaster strikes, there will be a lack of many things. This includes food shortages, where normal people are left like hungry schoolchildren to fend for ourselves. However, as funny as it sounds, we can avoid excessive hunger in all this by undergoing training for survivalist techniques. This solution trains us to live off the land anywhere, much so like the Native Americans.
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Thus, even when earthquakes strike, you should still know how to gather emergency food supplies from the land, forage, and have supplies to evacuate if necessary. Here are some tips to help you begin training, and it could be as simple as merely planting the correct things in your garden. We touch on foraging and techniques for collecting water, such as collecting rainwater and dew off of the land.

If you think about it, grocery stores and fast food chains are actually a fairly recent convenience. Before these things, people would rely on their own know-how when it came to procuring food. In fact, in some small, very poor, independent backwoods communities (think Appalachians) people still forage for wild food, hunt and process their own game, and completely rely on the land they live on to sustain them. However, these are a dying breed of people, and their ways are almost all but forgotten. In order to really understand the work that goes into preparing food from absolute scratch (or even finding it!) you could live with them for a while, or you could start practicing now. Damian Campbell would recommend you put into practice his teachings as well.

Tools of the trade.You may want to make sure you always have some basic survival tools and basic supplies handy, and you should know how to use them. A good, foldable hunting knife is a great start. A hatchet is also a good idea. A machete is a good tool if you happen to live in an area that sports heavy vegetation. A gun may be useful, but in terms of basic survival they're not really necessary with the right skill sets (like knowing how to build traps, use a slingshot or spear, etc.) Know how to tie knots and have rope handy. Know how to make simple shelters and familiarize yourself with how to build larger, sturdier shelters for permanence if needed. For reference, some of these tools and others like a ham radio are listed in Damian Campbell's survival manuals.

There are several basic foraging tips you should know. For wild crops, there are several high yield, easy to identify, and highly nutritious wild foods that you should use as your basis of foraging in the event of an emergency. One of these foods is cattails. American Indians relied on cattails for a good portion of their diets, and it's unfortunate that American settlers didn't adopt this food source and cultivate it when they came to America. Every part of the cat tail is edible and very tasty. The best edible parts of the cattail are in the stalk itself. To harvest, simply either cut an entire stalk at the ground and remove the outer leaves revealing a lighter colored fleshy heart, or you can also pull away the outer leaves of the stalk while it's still attached to the ground, and pull up and hard on the heart flesh, popping it out of the ground without cutting it. Cattails also have fleshy rhizomes that are edible and can be stored for a long time. You can pull these up out of the ground by grabbing one in the muck and pulling up hard. You can extract the starch in the rhizome by mashing it in a liquid, then allowing the starch to settle down, pouring off the water, and squeezing out the water of the white starch. This is a labor intensive process however, but the result is a mash of high-energy food that's easy to eat. Another very common food that's easy to find through a good portion of the country are American persimmons. Persimmons are a very sweet, large, fleshy orange fruit that fully ripens in the fall, and is usually ready to be harvested after the leaves of the persimmon tree have fallen off and the fruit just begins to look past its peak. If you eat them any sooner, you'll be punished with an astringent feeling in your mouth that's not unlike dentist's cotton (not pleasant). You will need to learn from local experts what grows in your region and temperate zone.

What provisions will you need? A complete list can be found from a survival expert named Damian Campbell, but for starters, you can build your emergency survival food situation with canned goods, and plenty of water. You will also need a method for cooking these foods, such as lots of matches (unless you like canned carrots cold). However, it may be a challenge to cook these foods while remaining hidden. If the disaster happens during wintertime and you need to hide, cooking will release steam, which may give away your position. The solution may be to cook in an enclosed area, and have a ventilation shaft that leads away from your shelter. You should also have vitamins stocked up; since chances are your diet will still be malnourished.

What to do now.Even though you don't have a survivalist teaching you side by side, you have information sources like in this article and you can read more from experts like Damian Campbell. You should practice some of these time-honored techniques for preserving food, game, and drying your foraged foods.For now, you can create an emergency food supply list and stock up one non-perishable emergency survival food to get you through temporarily in the event of an emergency. Gallons of water, canned foods, dried and freeze-dried foods all make a good start. Stockpile sugar, flour, salt, Lyme, matches, and a book or two on how to identify wild edibles, make traps, and how to build shelters. Familiarize yourself with basic sewing skills. All of these things will add up to a more prepared you, in the unfortunate event of an emergency.

Damien Campbell approaches your emergency food supply list from the perspective of storing. He teaches you what to have on hand to endure through shorter term and longer term emergencies. As a bonus to survivalists, he does have a series of tutorials on generating water, and other special tutorials on electrical energy collection. Once you have an idea, you can start stocking up on what to have on hand and serve better your family, neighbors and friends.

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