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Discover How Lavender Oil Can Improve Your Health And Wellness

By Kristen Baird

In schools of natural and alternative healing, essential oils play a key role in treating physical conditions and promoting emotional well-being. Lavender oil in particular stands out because of the many positive effects attributed to is use both topically and in aromatherapy. Produced through the steam distillation of lavender flowers, this oil is believed to purify the skin, alleviate pain, and improve blood flow to name just a few of its benefits.

Known for its many uses, this potent and versatile is amongst other things a good insect repellent that keeps bloodthirsty pests such as mosquitoes and black flies at bay when one is outdoors, as the scent deters them. In the same vein, it can also be used topically on itchy insect bites, to ease irritation. Some people find that it also helps them sleep more soundly at night, if they just add a few drops of the oil to their pillows before going to bed.

Lavender aromatherapy is purported to have a positive impact on the mental and emotional processes of those who experience it. Inhalation of its crisp, invigorating scent can bring about improvement of issues such as fatigue and migraines, as well as depression and anxiety disorders. Cognitive functioning is also thought to become stronger following its administration.

Lavender is often added as an ingredient to many skincare products for its antifungal and antiseptic properties, and it can also be used alone as a topical healing oil. It has been known to heal inflammatory skin diseases including eczema, acne, and psoriasis, as well as burns and scars. Pain and stiffness in muscles and joints can be relieved too, when it is used as a rubefacient. Some studies have even suggested that it can be used post-operatively in surgical patients to help reduce pain.

Sufferers of urinary tract conditions may also experience some relief of discomfort as this oil can both regulate urine flow and production and reduce inflammation of the bladder. Colds, flu, bronchitis, and sinusitis can also be alleviated considerably through inhalation of the oil or by applying it to the chest and throat area. Phlegm is loosened naturally, relieving congestion which makes for easier breathing.

Where hair care is concerned, lavender has also proven itself to be an effective remedy for killing head lice, including the nits and eggs. Alopecia, or male pattern baldness, has also shown signs of reversal in studies where patients massaged the oil into their scalps regularly, indicating that it may help in preventing hair loss.

It is also associated with promoting healthy circulation of blood, which can reduce hypertension, and regulate blood pressure. This in turn, lowers the risk for developing arteriosclerosis or suffering a heart attack. The digestive processes are improved too, as the production of bile and gastric fluids is increased resulting in less incidence of indigestion and gas. Immunity against some infectious diseases is believed to be increased as well.

People must realize before they start using lavender essential oil, that even though it is a natural product, it does have some precautions which must be taken in order to ensure safe use. Unless approved by a physician, it is best for pregnant or nursing mothers, and patients with diabetes or hyper-sensitive skin to avoid using it. It cannot be ingested, as this causes adverse side effects, use is strictly limited to aromatherapy or topical application.

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