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Real Money for You Online - A Myth or a Reality?

Can anybody get started and make money online or is it all just a scam?

In simple terms an internet business is not so different from any other business since in both respects you must know what it is that you are trying to do and how you intend to set about it.
If you were working in a fish and chip shop would you rush out and buy a lot of wood and set yourself up as a carpenter? Of course not!
You would need to understand about carpentry itself and have some vital knowledge about setting up a legal business and the ramifications of getting it wrong.
Notwithstanding that, thousands if not millions of people go online daily and expect to set up a successful business without knowing the first thing about the market area they intend to pursue. On most occasions they have no knowledge or understanding of the internet or using it as a business vehicle.
Just like the oceans are full of flesh-eating sharks, so too is the internet full of people-eaters! These are the people or groups of individuals who make vast fortunes through their incredible claims that you too can make huge amounts of money overnight or in an hour, a day, or even a week.
They will tell you that you will have nothing to do; it is all done for you with some magic software. You just need to sit back and collect the tens of thousands of dollars that their system will churn out for you on auto-pilot.
Some of these people call themselves 'Gurus' whilst others, as a new ploy will refer to themselves as being 'Anti Guru' and almost spit the words out for effect.
However and whatever they call themselves, they all have something in common - they all want your money and you will get little or nothing of value in return. And hence another moth is drawn to the flame!
Sadly most people are unprepared for the disappointment that is to follow once they have clicked the PAY NOW button and many don't even try to get their money back and just lose it.
If you really wish to try out these so-called 'Magic Systems', please err on the side of caution!
My advice to you is to make a note of the full URL of the site on which you have landed and highlight it, copy and paste it into something like notebook. You will generally find this information in the top left hand side of the page you are looking at.
Return to your search bar then copy and paste this URL into the bar followed by a space and the word 'scam'.
Generally, you will be greeted by a number of pages either belonging to the website in question or by devotees praising the product or critics who don't rate it or like it. You should read through some of the comments, good and bad to form your own impression about the offer under consideration.
You need to know that the website owners are not going to say anything bad about their own product and the critics may not always be one hundred percent honest, accurate or objective in their criticism of the product and related promises.
Similarly the admirers who are actively selling the product in their blogs, need to be discounted.
From amongst the critics and those who praise the product, try to find a selection of people who have previously purchased the product and read about their experiences with it. Do not include anyone marketing it as an affiliate for obvious reasons.
Similarly go to the Forums related to these types of products and read what the bloggers on there have to say.
If you know the name of the person promoting the product, you can do a Google search on them to see what you can discover about their record and level of integrity in the marketplace.
By now you should be able to form a clearer picture of the offer and it has only cost you a little time to do so.
Last but not least, and if you must press the Buy Now button, look at the payment page that you will have to complete to satisfy yourself that the company who is about to collect your money on behalf of the seller is one you feel comfortable with and most importantly offers a guaranteed money back arrangement within a timeframe of 30 or 60 days.
Having satisfied yourself with those details, withdraw from the purchasing page and attempt to close the website. If you are not aware of what I am about to tell you, you need to be. Most of these sites try in the first instance to sell you the product at an inflated price and as you try to leave the page, don't be surprised if you get a much reduced price offer! Sometimes you can try to leave the page more than once and get an even better deal!
One day not so long ago and being equally green, I said to my partner "Darling, I am going to earn some money online" and I set about my search for opportunities.
Soon I found myself drawn into the same web of deceit where millions end up daily. I guess that I was a little smarter than some since I ensured that I could at least get my money back if I was sold rubbish.
However, I did waste a great deal of my time and effort on these crazy schemes many of which had up-sells where having paid your $49 and pressed the BUY NOW button you were then asked for another $197 or $497 to make the system work better!
I changed my tactics and started to search for Expert Marketers who had honest reputations. I wasn't sure I would find anybody but I was unbelievably lucky! I found a man who is both an expert and extremely honest and who became my mentor.
He taught me everything that I needed to know about the internet. The man is a genius and thanks to him I can now practice professional and honest business techniques with confidence.
Even now, I can almost teach the subject!
My name is Jing Peng and I come from the mystical land of China. I live happily with my English husband and our small son in Southern Europe. It is beautiful here but I do miss my homeland sometimes and my family there. I like to visit when I can.
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