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Taking Advantage Of A Doctor's Visit

By Chet Sandeksi

First off, when I say weightlifting I am not referring to competition level lifting but those interested in a good physique and healthy lifestyle. I fit into the second category and after years of lifting I have continually noticed the hardest part about getting in shape, cutting fat, or adding muscle is the diet. Lifting technique, form, and scheduling is really not that hard and is far less important than dieting. It is so easy to out-eat your workout. Now, that we understand the problem we need to fix it. If you have been told over and over again that you don't need to focus on protein loading if you have a rounded diet it can become incredibly annoying. While true, it can be difficult to always have a rounded diet (carbs, veges, fruits, dairy, meats). The best solution I have found and been using for a while now involves cooking several small meals and sealing them in Tupperware. You end up with tasty, healthy meals on the spot. Here is how you go about it:

The uncertainty in and of itself shows faith and a true expression of love. There are so many things that they can do with your blood to help save and take care of others. If you think of the needs of newborn babies who may need blood or even individuals who may be suffering from some horrible accident, you will have a better idea about why giving blood is so important.

Free Health Check-Up If you want to know if your cholesterol is up or if you have low blood pressure, then giving blood can be a quick and cheap way to find out. You basically get a free checkup where they make sure that there is nothing wrong with your blood. The tests are extensive enough to make sure that everything is alright with your blood, so you can leave knowing much more about your body than you did before you got there.

This is especially a good thing for those who have indolent diseases that can be found at their early stages before they get too destructive.

Not only is this a great way to screen potential medical problems early on, but it also helps you stay educated about your body and what to look out for. Your doctor is there to help you, but remember that you only see him once in awhile, so start learning things yourself too.

5. Cook your meals. I prefer to cook out all 21 meals once a week on the weekend. By the time the week is up I am ready for something else. If you want more diversity in your meals then cook smaller amounts more often.

6. When you cook the food make sure to place it in the Tupperware upside down. For example if you wanted the chicken, Hawaiian haystack put the soup on bottom then chunks of chicken and vegetables followed by rice on top. This way you can flip the container onto a plate and throw it in the microwave. The portions sizes are really up to you. I make sure to have a good amount of vegetables and meal in the meals and not too much rice.

Lose Weight For each time that you donate, you can lose up to 650calories. This can add up when you give blood consistently. Another thing to think about is the fact that when you give blood your body needs to replenish your blood supply and this can bring good new blood around the body.

Free Snacks If you are looking for a quick snack, then giving blood can be a good way to do it. After you finish giving blood they offer all sorts of wonderful sugary substances. This makes it all worth sitting there giving your blood.

Make sure you are giving blood not only for the benefit of your community but for the benefit of your own health as well! Remember it only takes one time to save the life of a baby and several others and all it takes is you sitting there.

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