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Emergency Exit Signs With Lights And Other Safety Measures

By Krystal Branch

Some buildings are more hazardous than others. However, regardless of the its location or purpose, any building needs to take precautions for safety. There are many different situations in which an apartment building, and office building, or any other type of building might need to be evacuated, such as a fire, a blackout, an intruder, or some type of chemical being released into the air. If a building has emergency exit signs with lights, it will be much easier to safely and quickly evacuate people.

The most commonly thought of emergency is usually a fire. Fires can cause blackouts, but blackouts can also happen on their own. In a building that has many floors and therefore many flights of stairs, this can be one of the most dangerous things to occur. Lighted signs could make it much easier to find the way out when the building's regular lighting has failed.

Here are a few more tips for emergency preparedness:

1. Make sure access to the exit doors is not blocked. Perhaps the exit doors are located in stairwells that are sometimes locked, or perhaps someone has placed a large storage shelf in front of one of the doors. You need to look for these obstacles routinely, in order to remove them. An emergency exit is no good if it is inaccessible when the time comes to use it.

2. Have a plan in place. The last things you want is to have people are running around in a chaotic fashion during an already dangerous time. There needs to be an organized plan in place for evacuating your building, and specific people should be designated to oversee different aspects of the procedure.

3. Make sure everyone is informed about the plan. Everyone who lives and/or works in the building should know the procedure for evacuation. The people who will lead different aspect of the evacuation should be particularly well versed. It is a good idea to call a meeting of all of these people every six months or so, to review procedures and make sure that everyone is on the same page. You can use this time to inform them of any changes to the plan, and to fill any vacancies, such as a person on the team who has quit or moved out.

4. Post written and illustrated instructions. In a true disaster, there may be people who are unable to hear the verbal instructions or who are too panicked to focus. Having written instructions will help to increase the likelihood that they will follow the plan. These instructions can supplement the ones given aloud by the designated leaders. This decreases the chance of dangerous chaos erupting.

Ideally, all of these precautions will be just that-precautions. We always hope that emergencies will not occur, and these plans and procedures will not have to be enacted. Even so, having them in place helps to create peace of mind. Emergency exit signs with lights, as well as a sound plan for evacuation, will help the workers and/or occupants of your building to feel safer and more secure.

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