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How To Feel Better In Fifteen Minutes

By Diane C. Kuhn

Most people who suffer from depression are more likely to seek counseling or medications as a form of treatment. However exercise is proven to be an effective technique for battling their condition. Exercise reduces stress and relieves the negative feelings associated with depression and anxiety. Hopefully this article will shed some light on how to battle depression using techniques other than medication.
[How To Feel Better]

Now take a fresh sheet of paper and write down all the things that you appreciate about yourself. What's great about you? Are you a good friend? A great listener? Maybe you're really good at drawing or a great cook? Be honest because if you look hard enough there is something amazing about all of us. Again keep writing until you can't think of anymore or your arm hurts through writing whichever comes first.

Exercise also has physical benefits as well such as a healthy heart, bones, and blood flow. For individuals who don't have the desire to utilize physical activity as a coping mechanism, may find it beneficial to use something such as dance to incorporate this into their treatment. Psychotherapy can be a great help for treating depression, studies show that 50% of people diagnosed with mild to moderate depression achieve symptom relief through psychotherapy. Self-help books on depression are essential to learning how to battle depression effectively. As there are many different diagnoses types for this condition, manic being the most severe form.In my personal experience as a creative writer and someone who uses writing is an emotional outlet, when I don't write for long periods of time my mental health is affected. Exercise has always been a major part of my life, and when I veered away from it I could feel the effect it had on my stress level and mood. Exercise has been proven to be one of the most fast acting anti-depressant treatments because of the immediate response our bodies has to it. There is no one size fits all treatment for this condition, everyone has different needs and their own unique response to treatments. However patients suffering with this mental health disorder have to all start with one thing, and that is acknowledging that you have a problem and you need help.

Norma was extremely fatigued. Frequently, when she came home from work, she would lie down and take a nap.She also had indigestion. It was so bad that she couldn't sleep the night through no matter how tired she was. It would keep her awake for hours every night. It's no wonder she was so tired all the time. On top of that, she was bothered by constant sinus drainage and twitching of her eyelids. Her right eye wouldn't remain open completely.

That's not all. Norma also had joint problems too. She could not stand up from a squatting position without help.So, to say she had some health challenges is putting it mildly.Norma was tested for food and chemical sensitivities. Seven months later, after avoiding her sensitive foods and following a rotation diet, all her symptoms were gone... as long as she continued to avoid her sensitive foods. She was glowing. The before and after difference in how she looked is very dramatic.

How does this work? When you have food sensitivities, your body is unable to completely digest the foods to which you are sensitive. The partially digested foods pass into your bloodstream and your immune system treats them as foreign invaders, like bacteria and viruses. It attacks them, causing an inflammatory reaction. As long as you continue to eat foods to which you are sensitive, you will continue to cause more and more inflammation to develop in your body and your health will decline.

Try to eat a snack every two hours to keep your blood sugar stable. This will prevent cravings and help you feel full until your next meal.Have a Slow, Healthy Dinner.By dinner time, you've put in a full day. You might be feeling tired or emotionally exhausted. Instead of binging on comfort foods, give yourself a variety of tasty but nutritious foods that will keep you feeling good all evening.Serve up some lean protein like roasted chicken or lean ground sirloin. Add a colorful side salad filled with your favorite seeds and veggies, and have a cup of whole grain pasta on the side.Be sure to skip the alcohol and caffeine with dinner; both can interfere with the quality of your sleep.Go for a Walk.A little after-dinner activity can help you calm your mind and loosen your muscles. Exercise also helps you sleep better at night, and good sleep is a vital part of feeling great tomorrow.Since you're just starting out, your goal should be to get 30 minutes of cardio activity.If you're not accustomed to exercise, take it easy with a walk around your neighborhood or a nearby park. If the weather's bad, stay home and dance around to your favorite music.Get a Good Night's Sleep.Now that you've exercised, hydrated yourself throughout the day, and avoided late doses of caffeine and alcohol, you're all set to have a good night's sleep. A little more stretching and relaxation can help clear your mind of racing thoughts.If noise or light interfere with your sleep, invest in some inexpensive ear plugs and a sleep mask. These might feel a little awkward at first, but the deep sleep they bring is well worth it.

Help a stranger. Random acts of kindness can do wonders to make you feel good. Helping someone to cross the road, buying coffee or tea for someone who looks like he/she needs it, giving way to someone in a hurry, offering to carry the grocery bags for someone who looks more tired than you are...these may sound like mundane, everyday incidents, but do not underestimate their effect.

Give yourself to others. Volunteer for social work. Feed an orphan, clean up your neighborhood, and help the environment. Nothing fattens the heart than being able to do well to your fellowmen. Volunteerism enables you to exercise your body and mind, as well as allow you to practice generosity and love for mankind. Loving others make you love your self more, as you acquire self confidence and enhances your self-esteem and self-worth. As an added bonus, volunteerism will give you the chance to meet like-minded individuals who can increase your network of friends. They can be your support group, and if they are as good friends are they are, can be pillars of support when the going gets rough for you.Treat yourself to a makeover once in a while. You deserve it. Not that you need to look better, but it is always advantageous to pamper yourself. Go to the spa. Have a facial. Indulge in a Thai massage. Going out of the spa, you can really feel yourself spic and span, smart-looking and confident. The way you look contributes to how you feel about yourself, therefore, look your best.Make time for yourself. Meditate. Open your thoughts in an environment of calm and serenity. Go climb a mountain. Pray. However you do it, talking to yourself allows you to keep in touch with your inner thoughts. You will discover a lot about yourself that way, and that is always a good thing.Introspection also allows you to plan ahead in your life. So, free from distractions and the chaos of the everyday world, you can chart your destiny in life. And having a plan, having a course to set would enable you to be more successful in your life. And success, my friend, makes you feel better about your self, because it is an affirmation of what you are and what you are capable of doing.Above all, love yourself. There is no greater love than loving yourself, because you cannot give what you do not have. So, if one is filled with love, you can be generous in giving out love. That is the best way to feel good about yourself.

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