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How To Beat Sugar Addiction

By Maria M. Moller

Contrary to what many people believe, sugar can be as addictive as any drug. While you fortunately can't die of an overdose on sugar, you definitely can be trapped in a powerful addiction to sugar that you might find nearly impossible to break and that may take a severe toll on your health over the years.In fact addiction is a complex phenomena, involving both physiological and psychological components. When you respond to your sugar craving by eating sugar, the neurotransmitter dopamine is released in your brain in much the same way that dangerous and addictive drugs cause dopamine to be released. Dopamine is involved both in providing us with those little rushes of pleasure that make life worthwhile, but also in causing the brain to initiate movement towards the things that give us that pleasure.[
[Sugar Addiction Treatment]

The scary truth is that sugar is found in all carbohydrates, not just table sugar. Whether it's an apple or a biscuit, a tomato or a slice of bread, once it has been chewed, swallowed and digested it is released into the bloodstream as sugar. This means that all carbohydrates have the potential to be addictive, depending on how quickly they enter the bloodstream as sugar.Whilst some carbohydrates break down into sugar and enter the blood very slowly (low glycaemic carbs), other carbohydrates break down into sugar and enter the blood very quickly (high glycaemic carbs). You won't be surprised to find out that the carbohydrates that have the fastest and biggest impact on blood sugar levels are refined pasta, bread, potato, alcohol and 'empty foods' (sweets, biscuits and cakes) - all the foods we turn to when we're feeling low, stressed or in need of a pick me up. Food companies have also been spending years researching ways to make these foods deliver the sugar even quicker, making them hyper-addictive and ultimately more profitable.

David Kessler, former head of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), claims that manufacturers seek to trigger a 'bliss point' when people eat certain products.It is time to stop blaming individuals for being overweight or obese. The real problem is we have created a world where food is always available and where that food is designed to make you want to eat more of it. For millions of people, modern food is simply impossible to resist - Junk food triggers our 'bliss point', The Sunday Times, June 28th 2009.

Once you've dealt with the cravings, you will find it much easier to change to a healthy diet - avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates, eat plenty of protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates. Protein should be eaten at every meal as it helps maintain blood sugar levels by stimulating the release of glucagon, a hormone that balances the action of insulin. Fresh fruit and vegetables provide a good supply of the vitamins and minerals needed to keep blood sugar stable.It's important to avoid all forms of sugar, including so-called "healthy" alternatives such as brown sugar, honey and dried fruit. Don't be tempted to cheat - your brain is sensitive to sugar and having "just one" cookie or soda can be enough to set off cravings, trigger a sugar binge and start the cycle of craving and bingeing again.

There is only one way to overcome sugar addiction and that is the same way you overcome any addiction. You go 'cold turkey' on the addictive substance until you are weaned off it. It's not easy, but it's something you're going to have to commit to.or you better start praying elasticated waistbands come back into fashion.This doesn't mean you have to out all carbohydrate as some diets suggest. It just means you have to go 'cold turkey' on high glycaemic carbs to prevent the sugar rush and re-balance your blood sugar levels. Here are ten simple steps to achieve this, without dieting and without having to give up your social life. Remove all refined sugar from your diet - sweets / cakes / biscuits.Moderate your alcohol intake to just one or two nights a week.Eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.Increase your fibre intake from wholegrain cereals, fruit and veg.Fill yourself up with good quality, low glycaemic carbs.Choose wholegrain bread, brown rice and wholewheat pasta.Avoid eating carbs on their own, always combine them with proteins.Avoid large gaps between meals that cause blood sugar lows.Snack on fruit, full-fat yogurt and high protein snacks if you have cravings.Do at least 15 minutes of exercise a day to balance your blood sugar.A study from Princeton University yielded results that show a striking similarity between sugar addiction and heroin and cocaine addiction! If you are having a problem with sugar addiction, then read on! You will find plenty of useful information and tips to help you break that sugar addiction for good!

If you find preparing fruit boring, experiment with finding the fastest ways to prepare salads (you should be able to get preparation time down to around 5-10 minutes with a little practice), and get into the habit of preparing them at the same time every day. You can keep a fruit salad reasonably fresh all day in an air-tight plastic container. Even fruits like apples and bananas, which turn brown if chopped and left out in the air, will remain fairly fresh if mixed with juicy fruits such as chopped oranges or grapes and sealed in an air-tight sandwich box.

Good combinations to try for fruit salads are:apple, banana, orange,melon, grapes, banana,Peach, orange, melon Don't be tempted to use canned fruit. For reasons that I don't understand, it just doesn't seem to curb sugar cravings in the same way. And as for dried fruit -- stay off it! It is so high in sugar that it may make your cravings worse.You also have to be careful of fruit smoothies, which can be high calorie if mixed with cream. However, sometimes when I find myself back in the grip of a strong addiction, I like to use the 'nuclear option' of banana milkshakes to help get myself off sugar. Use a kitchen blender to blend ripe bananas with semi-skimmed milk. You can also freeze ripe bananas and blend them while still semi-frozen for a deliciously-sweet drink that tastes so good you won't believe it's good for you.Alongside consuming fruit daily, also consider getting aerobic exercise. Aerobic, or cardiovascular exercise ("cardio") has powerful appetite-suppressing and craving-suppressing effects. Amazingly, recent studies show that this type of exercise even causes parts of your brain to grow in size, leading to higher mental acuity.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, and is very similar to adrenaline chemically; it also affects brain processes that control movement, emotional response, and the ability to experience pleasure and pain. This explains why, when you're having a rough day, you turn to a plate full of brownies! The sugar in those brownies acts as a regulator which produces "highs" that temporarily neutralize emotional lows!Before you wage an all-out war against sugar, you must know your opposition! You must also know that sugar isn't always labeled as sugar.

If you have a physical addiction to sugar, the best thing to do is to first start reading labels. Anything that lists dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, or sucrose must be thrown out or at least removed from your reach. Also keep a look out for any ingredient lists with the word "syrup" in it. Those are all sugar.You must get your mind prepared, because your body may experience some symptoms of withdrawal. If your mind is set, then you will overcome your addiction to sugar. The length of time it takes to fully detox depends on each individual person. Most experts say that a body will lose its cravings for sugar after having been without sugar for 4 full days. Here are some tips to get you through this temporary rough patch:

Tips to End Your Sugar Addiction.The best way to end cravings is to break the cycle completely. Start by avoiding all sugar including sugar substitutes. Read nutrition labels carefully. You may be surprised at how much sugar is found in processed foods.Consider 5-HTP to help curb cravings for sugar and carbs. The body uses 5-HTP to produce the mood boosting brain chemicals - serotonin and dopamine. Low levels of these chemicals can lead to intense cravings for sugar and carbs.Fight sugar cravings all day by drinking dark roast coffee in the morning. Studies show that a dark brew coffee helps keep blood sugar levels steady which lowers the urge to eat sweets.

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