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Street Lighting In Rural And Urban Areas

By Essie Osborn

These are lamps that are placed on a raised post and are meant to be sources of light on the road edges or walking paths. They are normally lit at some given time of the night. To make it easy and save on cost each street lights are fitted with sensitive photocells that can control the lighting up at dusk and off at dawn. Street lighting helps save accidents on roads and reduce crime.

These lights are not only meant to light up at night, but can also automatically turn on when there is dark weather. These bulbs are normally placed on some tall poles alongside the roads though some may also be fitted on utility poles.

Recent information gotten from researchers who carried out their research on all road users says that the use of lights on the road sides has helped cut down the level of crime. It is said that when there is light many people can walk at night without much fear as compared to when it is dark and also much light keeps away criminals.

When these lamps are being put, there should be a consideration of the intensity of light they emit. The one that emit a lot of light are not encouraged for they make one not to see properly. This much light sends one tensing for u cannot see long distances. These road illumination should have minimal light which have the ability to eliminate shadow for one to see clearly.

These lamps may cost a lot to fix and make sure they are maintained in good condition. Although it is not easy to really estimate or know which types of crimes are prevented by lighting or even put a cost on the benefits of the fear cut down, these lamps still remains essential not only to the victims but other people too.

Not only does light reduce bad actions at night but it has an economic importance of making the public to work long hours at night or even overnight which in return improves the development of a region. For an economy to be a 24 hour economy the core thing is always light. Another added advantage of proper illumination on highways and roads is that many accidents are prevented and hence the drivers, bikers and pedestrians are safe.

Research has it that enough light in urban areas cuts down the accidents by more than sixty percent. This is true since most accidents are experienced at night which implies that the darkness has something to do with these injuries. This is with consideration that some of the drivers may be irresponsible at night because in many cases there are no cops. It is still believed that as much as they may over speed and do other not allowed behaviors, presence of light reduces accidents.

The whole summary of these leads us to concluding presence of light is at the favor of the public and if anything it should be improved in all areas. However, there are some environmental related reasons why organizations would like light reduced but the security reason outweighs them all.

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