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Basic Notes Concerning Results Coaching

By Laura Gray

Result coaching refers to a process which uses a progressive system in which the training is used to unfold all the aspect with the aim of achieving positive outcomes. It is though important to know that this particular process focuses on an enabling environment and therefore it is not designed to have an inflexible structure which needs to be followed. You also need to know that during the results coaching there are some stages which might be in demand of more time when compared to others.

At some point, the coach might incorporate sub-steps while shortening some other steps or even skipping them. This is simply because every coaching rapport is unique and as it tends to follow its unique path which is based on specific problems, and challenges experienced by a specific person. This particular training method usually incorporates several stages based on results.

This method is also very important since you will be able to know when you will arrive at your set objective. Another important aspect of this particular training method is the clarity. The coach, in this case, is supposed to efficiently gather data which would be extremely essential to you as the client as well as the coaching practice in general.

This incorporates assessments, interviews, documents, reviews, beliefs, background materials and assumptions among other crucial details. Anything which would have relevant information plus clues on the best methods of teaching so as to arrive at the expected outcomes while dealing with any kind of shortcomings is highly appreciated. Another thing which is incorporated in this model is ownership.

While in this stage the coach would actually create some good and conducive environment where an individual is expected to effectively focus his mind in reflecting on the environment around him. Reflecting is the start of a successful journey of change since it utilizes both the organizational together with personal awareness. Evaluation is the second stage of coaching involving results. Just like in reflection most of the people do not have time to focus on the future options before making any decision.

Most individuals are always forced to pursue the apparent suitable plan, before considering and assessing the probability of the plan succeeding. In this case, the coach aims to engage an individual so as to develop a very accurate procedure against other strategies allowing the best plan which has a high likelihood of succeeding to be selected and to be pursued as well. Understanding is also a crucial stage in this learning process.

This usually involves appreciating the type of resources which would be needed for an individual to succeed. Each strategy usually requires a healthy tactical type of an execution plan which involves the estimate of resources which are likely to be required in the entire process. The coach works with his client so as to know what is exactly needed in the practical implementation while determining the manner in which to go about organizing the available resources so as to achieve the set objectives.

Listening is also a crucial step in this process. This is where the client is expected to pay the attention needed. The sixth step is taking action. This is basically the implementation stage along with a clear follow-up plan.

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