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Illustrations Of Natural Herbal Remedies For Cancer

By Anthony Murray

Seeking disease treatments that are naturally modified has taken the whole world by storm. This is due to a number of advantages that come alongside these modifications. Again, it becomes easier to eliminate some chronic diseases using these nature treatments. Infections that occur as a result on poor lifestyles can be prevented by these treatments. The illustrated below is a list of natural herbal remedies for cancer.

Garston therapy and juicing. This discovery came along with confirmation that incorporation of a number of naturally occurring foods into the diet of a person everyday can reduce the risks of being infected by these diseases and also can help reduce the affects of such infections. He discovered juicing, detoxification, fruits and vegetables. Juicing is done by pressing of green fresh vegetable leaves.

The protocol of Bud wig. She came too into doing research on these kinds of things to have her contribution too. She did a research that discovered that use of conventional processed fats and hydrogenated oils had adverse negative effects on the cell membranes in the human body. So she came up with a remedy where these processed fats and oils were to be replaced by saturated and unsaturated fatty acids to rejuvenate these damaged cells.

Proteolytic enzyme therapy. This was proposed by john Beard. He argued that proteolytic enzyme was the main make up of the body defence which assisted in its ability to fight these infections and diseases that are cancerous. She did a research where she came up with a discovery which found use of vegetable meals to have high effects in suppressing cancerous infections.

The frankincense essential oil therapy. This was recommended by Doctor Bud wig. He found this to have high effects in fighting against brain tumour. A lot of other cancerous effects found in breasts, stomach and colon are also some of the most infections that this frankincense essential oil fights against. The oil is to be rubbed on the neck three times a day or consumed in eight ounces of water thrice a day.

Chelation by vitamin c. Removal of toxicity is known as chelation. One of the main processes in the body where chelation can be clearly illustrated is inside arteries where calcium contained in there is removed. This can be done by use of chemical or natural compounds. She proposed that a person can increase the consumption of foods containing high amounts of vitamin c for the fighting and prevention of cancer.

Foods and supplements that are probiotic in nature. These probiotics can be found in foods that contain raw milk such as kefir, yoghurt and cheese. These have high levels of probiotics which help in maintaining the natural balance of intestinal microflora found in the body. They have high effects in prevention of brain tumour.

Cur-cumin and turmeric. Cur cumin was found to have no effects of anticancer. However, it was found to posses the ability to fight against cancerous infections and prevent more cells from growing. It has the ability to fight a wide variety of cancers. These include, skin, breast and stomach bowels.

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