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Close Encounters UFOS Scales By Hynek

By Douglas Anderson

When it comes to unidentified flying objects, most believers have seen at least something unknown in the day or night sky. While many just go on with life curious as to what may have been in the sky, others want to know more about Close Encounters UFOS. Whether through ongoing research, or setting up a satellite like in the movie Contact, it is clear that interest in this aspect of the paranormal has only grown over time.

Ufology, often considered an aspect of the paranormal has now become more popular than ever. Whether due to the increased number of sightings, a personal experience, or J. Allen Hynek's book related to close encounters released in 1972, interest has only grown over time.

Any reported sighting of an unidentified flying object within 500 feet is often considered discs of daylight, a radar visual or nocturnal lights rather than a UFO. Whereas, the classification of these incidents are often considered close encounters. After which, the sighting is studied to see where the incident falls on Hynek's scales.

The scale which was used in the film, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, released in 1977, was created by Hynek. Most often, when looking to research a possible sighting, people turn to Hynek's book with regards to verifying an official sighting. Whereas, if there are other factors with regards to abductions, communications or tests, the scale often makes confirmation that much easier.

A scale with levels 1 through 7 authored by Hynek as a method of mapping different experiences with aliens and UFOs has been widely accepted by UFO researchers. For, the scale is based on different actions and interactions between aliens and humans. As a result, researchers and scientists can now start comparing various witness accounts to see if there are matches which can confirm the existence of aliens and UFOs.

In the first level, ground radar, such as that seen in the movie Contact and a UFO confirm a presence on a radar screen. It should be noted that since early on in research, radar has never been considered a reputable method of confirmation. For, radar propagation often shows a number of blips which can represent a number of different elements floating or flying through space.

The second scale involves a close encounter which provides that some type of interaction took place. Most often, reports related to equipment malfunction, electronic disturbances or animals presenting strange and unusual behavior fall into this category. It is most likely this category which has kept Ufology, ghosts and spirits as being aspects of the paranormal.

In levels 5 through 7 of Hynek's scale, occupants or a UFO have shared voluntary direct communication with one another. Whereas, at level 6, the death of a human or animal has occurred either due to a failed experiment, abduction or sexual encounter. Whereas, in level 7, a hybrid of alien and human occur for the first time. Whether created by artificial intelligence, or sexual interaction, many believe it will be interesting to see what the future holds with regards to reproduction once the hybrid is joined with a member of the original alien or human species.

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