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The Arnold Schwarzenegger Six Rules Speech Explained

By Russ Howe

If you go into any gym and mention the six rules of life, you will probably be met with references to the Arnold Schwarzenegger speech given to Southern California graduates in 2009. The governor provided one of the most stirring life lessons ever recorded on camera for the newly graduated students as they headed out into the world and today we run through each of his inspirational points for you.

There is a common mistake made with this particular lecture. People wrongly take it as bodybuilding advice. The rules could be applied to a gym setting if you wanted too, of course. For instance if you were trying to discover how to lose weight fast or trying to pack in some training to build definition you could apply these rules and they would make you mentally tougher. But the truth is these rules are designed for life, nothing more.

Watch the full Arnold Schwarzenegger speech here.

1. You Must Trust Youself.

2. Never Be Scared Of Breaking The Rules.

3. Don't Be Afraid To Fail.

4. Don't Pay Attention To Those Who Say You Cannot.

5. Do The Work.

6. Give Something Back.

Let's take a more in detail look at each point so we can uncover the finer details of each rule to help you apply them to your own life.

You must trust yourself if you are to get anywhere in life. If you have a vision of where you want to be you are going to need the confidence to apply it otherwise it will remain merely a vision.

The easiest way to stand out for yourself is to do things the unconventional way and that's what Arnold is getting at with the second rule.

Rule number three deals with being afraid to fail. If you have a fear of failure you will never get anywhere because you will be too scared to even try. When trying to accomplish something worthwhile you have to prepare for difficult times ahead.

It is very easy to allow other people to negatively impact your drive and your focus. Quite often these naysayers will do it purely because they feel bad about their own lives and it takes their attention away from their own problems to put others down instead. Rule number four is simple, do not listen to the naysayers or they will drag you down with them.

No matter how much you'd like that promotion or how badly you want to get through that college work, you will not actually get there unless you adhere to rule number 5 which is to work your butt off for your goal. Quite often those who reach success are separated from those do not by one simply thing and it is not talent, it is work ethic. When all is said and done, more is said than done.

The last rule is the most overlooked but undoubtedly the one which brings the most satisfaction and cements you rise to greatness. By giving something back you enable others to lift themselves from their desperate situations the same way you did. Think about it, that's exactly what Arnold did in writing this famous speech for you.

When you begin applying these rules to your own lifestyle you will be amazed at how effective they become over time. You will notice opportunities opening up in every walk of life as you pursue your dream like never before.

Whether you are pushing for a promotion or deciding upon a career change, the six rules of success could very well be the Arnold Schwarzenegger speech that changes your entire life for the better. Maybe you are indeed just looking to learn how to lose weight fast or how to change your physique, the rules will help there also. Now it's up to you to make it happen.

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