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Create And Use Your Own Positive Affirmations

By Kay Rozenberg

You are currently waking up every morning for that job you dread. Your life is on auto-pilot, going through the motions and living an ordinary, uneventful life.Affirmations can change your entire life in less than 5 minutes a day. Imagine being able to change how you think on a regular basis to be more positive. Well that is how affirmations work, so let's get you started on your own list.How to Create a Positive Affirmation,Positive affirmations are very easy to construct, but it takes a good deal of time to truly identify your wants and desires. An affirmation does little good if you're asking for the wrong thing. Take a few minutes of your day and list everything you want to change about your life. This list could include - your health, job, relationships, or self-esteem.
[Positive Affirmations]

It is good to know what positive affirmations are, but what can they actually DO for you? When you don't have a positive outlook on life, you are much more likely to dread going to work, to be upset that you don't earn enough money, or even that you don't have the life that you really want. That may sound familiar, as that is the way that most people in the world think today. However, if you could reprogram your mind to view these points in a different light, you would find your situation improving. This is where positive affirmations come into play.

How can you possibly use positive affirmations to gain more money, change your outlook on your job, or change your life? By changing the way you look at things. The job that you have may not be the ideal job that you wanted when you were younger. However, with this job, you ARE in fact earning money, and more importantly gaining experience. You are currently preparing yourself for when you get that better job. That better job is going to lead to more money, which in turn will likely lead to a better overall life for you and your family. But will just thinking you are preparing yourself actually give you that better job? You bet it will!

If you, using positive affirmations, reprogram your mind to think of your current job as a way to get to where you want to be, you will give off an attitude of greater confidence and comfort in who you are and what you are doing. People around you will start to notice that attitude, and make note of who you are. Soon, you will have people coming to you, simply because they want to be seen with someone who is so positive in life. This will lead to job offers from areas that you may have coveted but never thought you would actually get. Soon, your positive attitude alone will lead to that job that you were seeking for all those years, or perhaps one even better. All of this begins with a simple positive affirmation such as "I will reach beyond where I am today/"

Follow Up With Actions. Lastly, you will also need to put in some actions, so that you can lay the ground for their manifestation. For instance, affirming that you will win the lottery can only be possible when you buy a ticket. Remind Yourself Daily. In a hurried lifestyle with 1001 things to do, you can find it hard to remember to repeating the positive daily affirmations. Hence, put them in a visible location, like on the wall or in front of the mirror or save them in a PowerPoint slide to be used as a screensaver.

Richard is a Master Practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Neurological Re-patterning. He is also the co-founder of New You Life Coaching. Because his interests stem from philosophy, spirituality, psychology, and leadership, Rich's coaching style incorporates a rare and ingenious approach to understanding and empowering you in an insanely effective manner.

Almost any self help book that you read will stress the importance of positive affirmations and for good reason. The way that we think has a huge impact on what we can and can't accomplish. Therefore the first step in achieving most goals in convincing yourself that you can do it.

When you use positive affirmations, you reprogram your mind to see things in positive manner. This includes how you see yourself. When you look in the mirror, see a worthy person looking back at you and you find yourself walking with more pride, being more comfortable with who you are. This person in the mirror has a comfortable air about them, and knows that anything he wants to accomplish, he can. If he feels like going to the gym for a while, he can, thus helping to strengthen his body. The person looking back at you is also confident enough to know that she doesn't want to be dependent upon foreign toxins to feel better. She has the willpower to quit smoking or any other addictive habit. In order to see this person in the mirror, all you have to do is use positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations can do more than just help with preventative health. They can help your mind be comfortable enough to help cure your body of illnesses and diseases. You can reinforce the idea of your health becoming better, envisioning the illnesses being forced out of your body. As you see these things, you will be able to put yourself into the place that rest and chicken soup would normally put you. Because you believe that it can, your mind will help clean out the negative influences on your body, helping you to heal yourself. This is how powerful positive affirmations truly are.

In order for affirmations to work you have to use them regularly, everyday is ideal. The more you tell yourself something the more likely it is that you will come to believe it. Once you believe something it can be very hard to change your mind. This is why you have to use the positive affirmations consistently, it is very hard to change your negative beliefs. The good news however is that once you reach the point where you believe the positive thoughts it will be very difficult to change your mind.You can use positive affirmations to change almost any belief that you want. That means that for any goal that you have you will be able to find a positive affirmation that will help you achieve it. There are lots of books that you can use to find them or you can even make them up yourself. If you are going to make them up yourself you are going to have to make sure that you word them correctly so you will need to take a little bit of time to learn how to do this.

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