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Pick Up Lines For Girls

By Michael Nolting

Do romantic pick up lines work? If there's one thing Shakespeare is famous for, it's not about how he created Romeo and Juliet but on how he romanticizes the story. Romance has always been a cornerstone of every story that has survived the test of time. But unless you're Shakespeare, using romantic pick up lines may not always work.
[Pick Up Lines For Girls]

They keyword there is "may not always work." You see, unless you have a PhD in macking, using pick up lines in general does not guarantee you a one night stand or a serious relationship. A pick up line that worked for one guy may not necessarily work for you. Women are complicated creatures that are not easily turned on by the size of your junk. It takes a lot more than just showing of your burgeoning masculinity or flexing your biceps.

If you do want to use a line then whatever you do please smile and let the girl you are trying it on know that you are trying to be funny. A line like, 'God must be in a panic as one of his angels is missing' or the other extreme something like, 'Come and sit on my lap let's talk about the first thing that pops up' are pretty well guaranteed to make you look like an idiot or in the second example, result in you being slapped in the face.

Here's a tip: If you want to use lame pick up lines such as these, make sure you use it within the context of a joke. You don't advance in her direction and just blurt it out, feeling like a hero who saved the day, and wait for her to giggle like a school girl and wrap her arms around you. This is not how it works.

Here's another tip: Women wants men who emanates power and high status value. They want to be with a man whom people respect and like. So unless you've established a certain degree of coolness or value, try not to enumerate all the romantic pick up lines you know to an unsuspecting women.

Perhaps you are just not funny, go for witty or well timed sarcasm. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. That's the motto for being funny. That's the tightly held secret of the funniest among us. Don't be afraid to give your funny line a try. Nothing beats a trial but a failure. Go for it!One more thing that remains a key ingredient for delivering a successful funny pick up line for girls, this is the ability to confidently and charismatically admit that you are not funny when you flop. Yes, it is possible for a girl to find you attractive and cute doing this, if you do it right. The best comedian takes the time to develop an art form of recovering from a failed funny line. Being funny is, hands down, a gamble.

How to Establish Value.When you're in a bar filled with acquaintances and friends, make it a point to talk to all of them and be the group everyone wants to be in.

Even the girl experiencing these three cheesy pick up lines won't believe how effective they are, considering their cheesiness.The first of the three cheesy pick up lines for girls we will discuss relies heavily on delivery and the sheer mystery and cheesiness of it all. Here goes. Have a friend deliver your personal cell phone to the girl you would like to ask out and say, "I was asked to deliver this to you." This is where timing comes into play. As soon as the phone is delivered, call your phone. Make sure it is immediate, the call that is.

Finding a Reason.Before approaching her, make a quick observation so you could formulate reasons for approaching her. Quick note, no romantic pick up lines involved.

Become the Prize.Be that guy who doesn't stay for a long, boring chat. Communicate how you can't stay long before you actually ask her anything. Women are thrilled by the idea of getting a guy's attention and hate the idea of not being to attract him enough to pursue her. The goal is to shift your role as the pursuer to become the prize of the game, instead of the other way around.

Now, at the moment you have selected, walk towards the girl of your dreams and conveniently trip and fall in her direction behaving as if you are having great difficulty breathing and can only muster rapid shallow weak breaths. When she looks at you with her face stricken with panic saying, "Are you alright? Are you okay?" You respond and say, "I can't breathe around you." Now, wait for that welcomed blushing response.

Finally, the third of the three cheesy pick up lines for girls we will discuss is even cheesier than the previous two. However, it may be the most effective of the three. In this particular instance, you want to position yourself so that the girl of choice advances towards you.Having done this, you want to study her intently as she advances. When she reaches within ear shot, you gasp for air and say, "When I see you, my heart lights up like the full moon lights of the sky." Now, wait and watch as her butterflies settle.

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