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Your Success Development - Does The Law Of Attraction Work

By Sindy Zoer

According to the law of attraction you will get what you think about. If you think in a negative way, bad things will happen; if you think positively good things will happen. It can be taken even further by attributing all the good or bad things that happen to us to the way we think. Wikipedia gives an example of someone receiving an envelope in the mail. Positive thought will produce a check, negative thought will produce a bill.
[Apply the law of attraction]

Well, let's take a look at this from an economic perspective. Forget about morality or religion or anything like that. Let's just take a look at the basic mechanics of money and human action.There are only five ways to get money. You can find it, receive it as a gift, steal it, print it or earn it. I'm going to assume that when you meditate or visualize the LOA, you aren't stealing, finding, being given, or printing money. You are earning it somehow. You are trading your skills or products for cash.Now, let's consider the basics of human trade. We only trade things when we think we are getting the better end of the deal. When you buy a hamburger for a dollar, you actually think the hamburger is worth more to you than the dollar. Otherwise, you wouldn't make the exchange. That would be like changing a dollar for a dollar, which would be silly.Likewise, the person selling you the hamburger would rather have the dollar. Before the exchange, you have a dollar, but you want a hamburger. He or she has a hamburger but would rather have the dollar. After the exchange you are both better off.

In order to successfully control your life circumstances using the law of attraction, there are three phases that you must undergo. The first phase is you must know what you want to achieve. Knowing exactly what you want and ask for it. In other words, you must focus on what you want, rather than on what you don't want. All the successful people throughout history have had one characteristic inherent within them that is they are clear with what they want to achieve. They have great drive and passion to pursue their dreams. As a result, they thrive and succeed in their endeavours.The second phase of applying the law of attraction is to believe that the universe will answer your desires. The law of attraction will answer your needs, and you must truly believe this. So often that people don't have faith in getting what they want, and let the doubts or unworthiness slips in. The degree of believe has to be strong and to the extent of believing you already get what you wish to have, be the person that you wanted to be and living the life that you dream about. Believing that you have already received it and you will be rewarded. This strong believes must be able to create feeling and make you feel it. It is essential to feel exactly how you have achieved your dreams to manifest the things that you want in your life.

So every single dollar that you have is a measure of how much better off you've made other people. The more money you have, the more people you've made better off. The more you've increased the net happiness of the world. Is that really selfish? Of course not.That's why Napoleon Hill, in "Think And Grow Rich," suggested that when doing any kind of money making visualizations, to visualize tons of people out there getting their needs met because of your actions. Because when lots of people out there are getting their needs met, you are getting paid.

Success means different things to different individuals. It comes in many different forms and the idea of being successful for one person might not be the same as for another person. In fact, there are as many definitions of success as there are people on this planet. For instance, if you are a businessman, success may mean being among the top 10 companies in your industry and if you are a student, success may mean getting distinctions and coming first in your exams. According to Earl Nightingale, "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." It is therefore very important for each one of us to define clearly what success means to us.We can use the Law of Attraction to attract the success we desire in our life. According to the Law of Attraction, we attract into our lives, whatever we give our energy, attention and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted. If we want to deliberately attract success, we have to follow three steps.

Everything going in your life whether it be relationships, financial status, well-being e.t.c is a direct reflection of your accustomed way of thinking and the nature of your thoughts.The Law of Attraction gained a lot of publicity back in 2006 when the film the secret was launched which was a documentary type film where some of the leading experts appeared on camera to give an insight into what the Law of Attraction is and how it works.The film was good for the newcomer who knew little or nothing about the law of attraction but at the same time it really only touched the tip of the iceberg and gave no reasoning regarding how this powerful law of the universe works or its true origins.Many people associate the law of attraction with new age movements and similar practices, unfortunately modern media and uneducated bloggers and such like haven't helped matters!

Visualizing is mentally practicing success which has been proven time and again in creating success. This is an aspect that is often used in sports but left out in most people's ideas of goal setting. Taking the time to picture your success in your mind can have a great impact on your life.Focusing keeps us intent on actively looking for ways to help us reach our goals. It helps us see the opportunities showing up in our lives and reminds us to act when they appear. A side benefit of this one is that is really will help you to appreciate the moment. If we are looking for opportunities and good things in life, we are living more in the moment than if we are worrying about the future or grumbling about the past.

Everyone has heard the sayings "good karma" and "bad karma", this is where the sayings originate from, it was and still is their belief that if you are kind and compassionate you will be met with kindness and compassion and on the flip side if you have been unkind and shown little compassion then you'll equally be met with the same!So although not directly related to manifesting your desires through thoughts as the law of attraction states, but you can see the closely related theorem of your actions and thought processes literally morphing into physical entities, meaning you're attracting into your life that which you are giving out.

The third step for deliberate attraction is to allow success to manifest in our life. Allowing is the absence of doubt and fear. If we have a strong desire to be successful but at the same time, we have strong doubts, we will never be able to attract what we want because we will be sending mixed signals in the universe. If, on the other hand, we have a strong desire and some doubts, we will attract success, but it will take a little longer. If we want to rapidly manifest success, we have to have a strong desire with no doubt at all.We all deserve to be successful in life and whatever dreams we have, we all have the potential to achieve them as absolutely nothing is impossible. We just have to follow the great advice of Walt Disney, who rightly said, "If you can dream it, you can do it."

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