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What Some Preppers Groups Do When Faced With Disaster

By Iva Cannon

When people think that the government is being too harsh on a certain type of person, many of them will take to their own to protect themselves. This is not a bad way to go, they say, because they feel they are already on their own. They store up a lot of food, handguns and rifles as well as ammunition and plenty of first aid supplies. These are called preppers groups because they are preparing themselves for what is coming.

Sometimes it is not a danger from the government, but from a natural disaster that some feel will require that everyone will have to fend for themselves. These groups may only be as large as a family and their direct blood relatives. Others will be more than one family, but they will be connected in similar ways to each other. It does not matter how people are in each group. They support one another in all ways that do matter.

There is a lot of planning that goes into some of these groups elaborate schemes. A large number of them have special water filtering and storage facilities. Others will stock plenty of bottled water, sanitized for long life. The vast majority of them are prepared with generators that can run on many different fuels, including bicycle operated and hand pumps.

The food they store away will be high in carbohydrates and protean so their bodies are fueled, even if their taste buds are not totally satisfied. There are a lot of dehydrated foods available that can be stored for long periods of time and still support an active lifestyle they believe they are in for. This expected lifestyle might include running, hiding and, if necessary, fighting to stay safe and alive.

After each group gets established, it is difficult, if not impossible, to get invited in. They are preparing for some coming very big thing. They do not necessarily believe they are the only ones to know about it, however, they believe that they are there for themselves. They believe everyone else should maintain their own group, separate from them.

Many of these groups are also second amendment believers, which is, certainly, not against the law. Some of them will take this too far. Those will be militant to a large degree and will defend themselves, often, at danger of being discovered and caught. These are those who believe, honestly, that the government wants to confiscate guns and ammunition.

The ones who are not as militant, but still respects the second amendment are more open about their dealings. They will, however, still be secretive about everything going on in their compound or house or other structure they are using. This is to keep private what they need to keep close by and letting people in will only endanger that.

These groups, no matter where you find them, have a very definite purpose in mind. They may tell you and they may not. Their main purpose is to prepare for something, something big and they have their own group to protect, so outsiders can fend for themselves, just as these groups do. Give them a wide path and they will stay out of your business so they will not attract unnecessary attention.

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