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Unearth Fascinating Details On Why Rape Doesnt Define Me

By Ronald Campbell

In the most basic terms, rape is a type of sexual assault that has to do with forced or coerced sexual assault or penetration by an attacker. Despite its variations and the broad terms that constitute the activity, it can be considered as such when the person that experienced it did not give their consent on the matter. It happens usually when the victim is incapacitated in any way or is unable to defend themselves from the attack, like when they have intellectual disabilities or are not yet of legal age.

When this happens to someone you know or to you, one should always seek immediate legal action and medical assistance and in seeking legal resolution to the attack. However, the process of undergoing treatment and seeking justice will vary from one location to another, with some countries having more fair and modern laws against it with some that are not as effective or active. Statistics show that males are more likely to be attackers, rather than victims, on a global scale. In relation with this, discussed in more in depth detail below are the some fascinating details on why rape doesnt define me.

Furthermore, statistics indicate that rapes that occur between strangers is significantly less common as opposed to those done by a person the victim knows personally or is an acquaintance of. Apart from that, assault that has been done by male or female to another that is of the same gender is common, although there are known to be less reported cases regarding it. Apart from that, it can also touch a much larger scale, such as systematic rapes that occur as a result of international conflict such as through sexual slavery and through war.

Nonetheless, all of these are considered general crimes against humanity and can also be considered a war crime, especially when used on a massive scale and on other metaphorical aspects. As a matter of fact, this may also be referred to an element of an organized crime that involves genocide, especially when it was committed with the intention of destroying various ethnic groups, whether done as a whole, or a part of said organized illegal activity. Due to this, the term is broad and defines a wide range of crimes against a person or group.

Regardless of reason or intent, the act can cause tremendous trauma to an individual, which can further develop into a form of post traumatic stress disorder. While PTSD may be closely related to the traumatic incidents that one experiences because of warfare to other threats, those stemming from sexual assault are not uncommon and can cause physical distress. Its symptoms are quite broad as well, including having frequent and increasingly disturbing thoughts, strong negative feelings, and having dreams about the event.

People that suffer from PTSD understandably have higher instances of suicide or intentional self harm, due to the negative experiences they were subjected to even only at one point in their life. Nevertheless, it can also result in various physical symptoms or diseases. This refers most commonly to sexually transmitted diseases or even the risk of becoming pregnant because of such untoward incident. Some victims will even cotinine to receive multiple threats of violence from their attacker and mostly stems from fear of being figured out by others.

Regardless of when the victim underwent physical attacks or brutalities, the first response is always to administer medical attention through the process of a complete assessment. The typical injuries that one might get includes bites, bruising, scratches, lacerations, and other scrapes. In the event of a gunshot or stab wound, anti tetanus immunization is administered to prevent further infection.

Deep rooted psychological effects can take place too, which is why counseling is recommended. This includes developing anxiety and a fear of others or public spaces wherein there is a possibility of being attacked. It can cause a victim to feel fear or disgust when being touched or held, even with people they have relationships with.

This can lead to a lot of emotional trauma and stress, which affects the existing relationships they have with people and those they have yet to meet. It can result in numbness and a distinct pattern of emotional distance that is associated with fear of undergoing the same negative experience again. Because of this, folks that suffer from its after math are recommended to undergo therapy to treat these issues.

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