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Stop Smoking Tips

By Sep Vergouwen

Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking. It is a very positive change that you bring to your life and you will be amazed at the quality of life you will be able to enjoy without your dependence on nicotine.However, nicotine is a very addictive symptom and can make quitting smoking difficult. It is important for you to know what to expect when you quit smoking so that you are able to handle it effectively. Don't be surprised if you suffer from withdrawal symptoms for up to 10 days after you quit. It is normal for you to feel the symptoms of flu, upset stomach, etc. when you quit smoking. You are also likely to be irritable, anxious, angry and even depressed soon after you quit smoking. These symptoms will pass. You may want to consult a doctor if you are concerned about the effects of these symptoms on your health.[
[Best Way To Stop Smoking]

There are a number of quit smoking aids available that can help you give up your smoking habit. These aids include nicotine patches, hypnosis, counseling, herbal and non herbal medication. You may want to consult your physician and choose one of the aids that suit you the best.

The chain smoking. All the name suggests, smoke a few cigarettes consecutively, without stopping. Once you are done with the first stick, go on to the second, then third, etc. You will feel so terrible after the third stick (or more) that you would want to quit smoking immediately! The idea behind this is to create a horrible taste in your mouth that you feel that that would be the last stick in your mouth!

Start exercising. This will help channel the excess energy you feel and make you fit as well. This should also lead you to drink some water, that is a great cleanser for your body.Stay busy. This will help you keep your mind off smoking and getting tired by the end of the day will help you sleep better. There are countless activities if you take the time to think about them. What can you do at home ? What can you do outside ? Even the smallest task needs focus, and you are not thinking about smoking during this time.

It is really very difficult to quit smoking; most long time smokers will quickly testify to this. Cigarettes contain nicotine in addition to tobacco and other harmful substances. It is nicotine that is actually responsible for the difficulty in kicking the habit. It is a highly addictive substance and the body quickly becomes dependent on it. You need to be extremely systematic in your attempts to quit smoking or else you will not succeed in kicking the habit. Be sure to try out the following things so that you increase your chances of escaping this bad habit.

If you find inducing the desire difficult you will need to be creative to really understand how to quit smoking. Watching other smokers light cigarettes can be helpful. Smelling your cigarettes in the packet or, if you used to make your own, rolling one up should produce the desire to smoke. For some people, imagining that they are smoking is the best way to connect with their desire to smoke. If you are really stuck in repression, buying a new pack of your favourite brand and taking the cellophane off may do the trick.

Sometimes people flirt with smoking, testing their limits to the point of putting a cigarette in their mouth and lighting a match. It's not necessary to go this far: just looking at cigarettes in the pack should be enough for you to get in touch with your choice and desire to smoke them.

What you are doing is making a connection with the memory of your addiction: the memory stored in your mind that thinks smoking would be wonderful. Adverse thoughts will also be part of that memory, but don't use them to cancel out your desire because you need to work on accepting the desire, not denying it.When figuring out how to quit smoking, some people will repress their desire to smoke from the moment they stop smoking. In that case, you will need to pause frequently, perhaps three or four times during each hour, and induce a desire you can really feel. It may take a while to work, but eventually you will feel a strong desire: an empty, uncomfortable sensation that you know would be relieved by smoking a cigarette.

A friend of mine, James, who attended a quit smoking program, gave an ideal example of this. He told me that at his last attempt, three years ago, he decided to stop smoking at the same time that he was going to redecorate his house. In other words, his strategy was to avoid as much of the difficulty of stopping smoking as he could by keeping busy painting and hanging paper.He threw his cigarettes away and got rid of anything that might remind him of the smoker he used to be. The plan appeared to work and he managed to stop smoking with very little difficulty. He stayed stopped for a month, with smoking totally forgotten, until something happened that took him by surprise.

Take advantage of familiar situations where you would have smoked, such as the end of a meal, as opportunities to induce your desire. Instead of jumping up from the table to get on with the washing-up, sit there for a while, as you would have done, let yourself feel your desire to smoke and think through your choice not to smoke - for now.Later on, as you become more familiar with these methods of how to quit smoking, your desire may only last a few seconds, but making a deliberate effort to acknowledge it by inducing it can make the difference between success and failure in the long term.If you lead a very busy life, inducing your desire will be especially important. Busy people can stop smoking for days or weeks, barely aware of their desire to smoke in the background of their crowded minds. But just because you don't take the time to deal with it properly, the desire doesn't vanish; it keeps coming, like a nagging child demanding attention. Or it can suddenly and unexpectedly explode, perhaps at a time of crisis, arid, because your conscious mind hasn't practiced dealing with it, you can suddenly find yourself on the verge of smoking.If you stop to induce a desire - and this only takes a few moments - you give your desire the attention it requires. As a result it becomes easy to live with and, most important of all, you are in control of it.

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