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Symptoms Of GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder

By Henri Givry

Anxiety can effect us in many ways, some people can have subtle forms of anxiety that they can deal with on a day-to-day basis, these are general fears such as a fear of spiders or getting embarrassed from time to time, which is normal in everyday life. These types of anxieties go unnoticed. At the other end of the spectrum you can have anxiety of panic attacks attacks, they can still be from the same reasons above however the reaction is a lot more extreme. There's also everything in between, like being anxious in social situations, like parties or going shopping, going red, chest pains, muscle tension, constant worrying.
[Anxiety Disorder Symptoms]

Social anxiety disorder symptoms are things that sufferers describe when they are describing their social anxiety. They can be broadly divided into anxious thoughts, anxious behaviours, and anxious feelings. Anxious thoughts can include over thinking certain situations. For example, someone can think that everyone is staring at them, or everyone is laughing at them, or that they are making a fool of themselves, whereas from an outside perspective, everything is normal. So someone suffering from social anxiety could be unwilling to go into a crowded meeting because they feel that everyone would be staring at them, as opposed to the main speaker, which of course is completely illogical.

Anxious behaviours can include avoidance - for example, simply avoiding social situations, or being excessively late, or making excuses to leave. They can also involve using mobile phones to avoid talking to others or making them uncomfortable. Their behaviour is centred on avoiding or escaping a situation that has made them uncomfortable and promoted anxiety. These responses and behaviours are essentially learned responses that enable reduction of anxiety. A sufferer from social anxiety may also excessively groom themselves or spend too long preparing for social situations - again a method to help them reduce their anxiety.

Why let a simple panic attack stop you from living your life when you can easily get rid of the anxiety attacks just by following a prescribed treatment method? If you're ready to make that positive change in your life, you need to first admit that you have a problem. Don't take these social anxiety disorder symptoms lightly if you don't want it to develop to something much worse when the time comes.

People who are unfortunate enough to suffer from social anxiety to a significant degree can find that their lives can be held back in terms of love and relationships, at work, with friends, at play, and even with their families. When these symptoms start to be triggered by everyday things such as meeting a stranger, starting a conversation, entering a new place or even holding eye contact with someone, then it can be a major problem. Fortunately, there are techniques available to help sufferers break free from this and live an anxiety free life.Stress and anxiety is very normal in everyone's life, but would you be able to recognise if you had any generalized anxiety disorder symptoms?

Normal anxiety is beneficial in an odd sort of way to complete tasks successfully and to respond to threats in a helpful way. Chronic, excessive and exaggerated worry without any valid causes for worry is called generalized anxiety disorder (GAD for short).When a person is constantly worried, nervous, anxious and uneasy for six months or more, he is said to suffer from this condition. GAD can affect a person physically, socially and occupationally. To avoid all the adverse effects of GAD, it must be diagnosed in the early stages. You should know the symptoms to help you make the right diagnosis.What are the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder?It is important to note that everyone experiencing GAD does not have the same symptoms. The symptoms may vary from one person to another depending upon the cause and the severity of the disorder. However, there are some common symptoms of GAD. They are as follows:

Some of the symptoms include rapid heartbeats, tightness, or pain in the chest, dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, fatigue, shivering or shaking, the fear of going 'mad', and the inability to control actions. This disorder is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. As the severity of attacks increases, a person becomes more withdrawn from society and in fulfilling his or her obligations. This is why individuals need to look out for early warning signs that could be anxiety disorder symptoms.Attacks may last only a few minutes but the disorder has far reaching effects. The memory of each attack remains firmly in the mind of the victim thereby slowly destroying their confidence.

Even though people experience different symptoms, which will vary in terms of severity, the general symptoms always remain the same. For instance, these people cannot relax and always feel keyed up. You will see them doing one thing after another; super-active is the word for them. It is also quite understandable that when these folks are constantly on the go doing different things, they will end up wasting a lot of their energy. This is the reason why excessive fatigue is one of the more common anxiety symptoms.

These symptoms must be noted and treatment should be sought immediately. Sweating, trembling, blushing, and the tensing the muscles are some of the common symptoms. Most sufferers will find it difficult to interact in situations where there is a great degree of public attention on them.

Some of the noticeable physical signs of anxiety disorder symptoms include difficulty in getting out of bed, avoiding crowded places, and the constant shaking of hands when nervous. Victims tend to be fidgety, and neglect themselves. One other distinctive anxiety disorder symptom is the compulsion to repeat the same action repeatedly. These symptoms should not be overlooked and treatment in consultation with a therapist should be sought immediately.

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