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Getting Rich Principles - Essential 10 Point Overview To Creating An Abundant Life

By Allen S. Fox

The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles - sounds amusing doesn't it?Rhonda Byrne states that this publication was one of the major inspirations for her hit film and book, The Secret.I have to admit that I sometimes find it difficult to wrap my head around the Law of Attraction. I want to understand, but some of the explanations of this material are so convoluted I am made to feel like a dog chasing its tail,Wattles states in the preface to his book: "This book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward."
[The Science Of Getting Rich]

I believe this practical approach explains why The Science of Getting Rich is even more popular today than it was a 100 years ago.Wallace Wattles writes that getting rich is an "exact science". There are certain laws, that when learned, will lead you to riches with "mathematical certainty".These laws hinge on one fundamental principle - the power of thought. Wattles explains that anything we desire, be it a house or a large bank account, can come into existence simply by "impressing (our) thought upon formless substance."However simple this may sound, he says that in order to do this, we must abandon any competitive nature we may have and use our creative mind. Formless Intelligence, as Wattles calls it, is never competitive in spirit.In The Science of Getting Rich, Wattles emphasizes that we must get rid of the notion that there is some Deity in the sky who wants us to be poor. He believes that choosing a life of poverty for altruistic reasons is no better than those who lead extremely selfish lives.

He states: "Put poverty behind you, and put all that pertains to it behind you." Being rich, Wattles believes, is the best way anyone can truly help the poor.The Law of Gratitude is an important component of The Science of Getting Rich. Wattles strongly asserts that, even if we are following all other laws, failing to be thankful will keep us stuck in poverty.In other words, if I constantly focus on the negative things happening around me, I "loose ground" and continue to attract more negative things into my life. The concept of gratitude took me a while to grasp, but it is key!Focus on everything that is currently right in your life and thank God, the Universe, or, as Wattles calls it "Intelligent Substance". It doesn't really matter what you call it, just be thankful!To attract what you desire in live you must have a very clear picture of what it is you want, hold onto it in your mind and always be thankful!Meagan Gagnon lives in Ottawa the capital of Canada with her dog Moxy. A fan of the Law of Attraction, she is still trying to figure out how to get it to work,

If you have read part 2 of this article called "The Science of Getting Rich - How Anyone Can Become Rich - Part 2" then you will already have discovered that being creation oriented rather than competitive and; thinking and acting in a Certain Way will result in you becoming rich. Here in Part 3 we further explore practices in the science of getting rich.

In business, the key-thought in all your efforts must be to convey THE IMPRESSION OF INCREASE in other people's minds. Continuous advancement and increase in life is what all men and women are seeking. People are attracted to those who can give them more of the means of life and this attraction will result in you becoming rich. Therefore, no matter how small the transaction, even the selling of a stick of candy, put into it the thought of increase into the mind of the customer. Hold the unshakable faith in yourself, that you are in the way of increase and let it permeate every action. Don't boast of your success or seek power over other men. Beware the competitive mind! What you want for you, you must want for everybody.

THE ADVANCING MAN is one who holds a clear vision of himself as successful in his field, who obeys the laws of faith and purpose, and gratitude. No matter whether you're a wage-earner or a businessman; whether you're a doctor, teacher, clergyman etc., you will attract a large loyal following and never be "out of a job"! The man who is certain to advance is one who knows what he wants and can become. Do not try to fill more of your present place with a view to pleasing your employer; rather, do it with the idea of advancing yourself. When an opportunity to be more than you are now is presented and you feel impelled towards it, take it. It will be the first step toward a greater opportunity. There is no such thing in the universe as a lack of opportunity for the man who is living the advancing life.

Some cautions and concluding observations - There is no limited supply of wealth. Governments keep the masses in poverty only because the masses allow this to happen by not thinking and acting in a Certain Way. If the masses were to move forward as suggested in this book; all systems would have to modify to accommodate this forward movement. The more men get rich on the competitive plane, the worse for others. Also, don't spend any time worrying about how you will meet possible emergencies. Concern your mind with doing today's work in a perfectly successful manner. No possible combination of circumstance can defeat a man or woman who is proceeding to get rich in the Certain Way.

Guard your speech. Never speak of yourself, your affairs, or of anything else in a discouraged or discouraging way. Never admit the possibility of failure. Never speak of times as being hard, or of business conditions as being doubtful. When you operate on the creative plane, you can create what you want. When others are having hard times and poor business, you will find your greatest opportunities. Train yourself to think of and look upon the world as something which is becoming, growing. Never allow yourself to be disappointed. If you do not receive the thing you want, go on in the Certain Way, and you will receive something so much better. You will see that the seeming failure was really a great success. When you make a "failure", it is because you have not asked for enough! Do not hesitate or waver with fear, go on in full faith.

While you are getting firmly established in this faith, you will do well to give up recreations and pleasure; and to stay away from places that conflict with the ideas in this book. Don't read or listen to pessimistic or conflicting ideas. Spend most of your leisure time contemplating your vision, and in cultivating gratitude, and in reading this book.The riches you will receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of your vision, the fixity of your purpose, the steadiness of your faith, and the depth of your gratitude.The Science of Getting Rich may be a hundred years old but Wattles' ideas are as relevant today as they ever were. The science of getting rich is not about following a pre-defined formula for success - first step one, then step two, then step three, then retire on a beach with a margarita in your hand - but rather it is all about THE WAY YOU THINK AND ACT.

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