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Building Self Esteem In Athletes

By Jiang Li Pai

Building self esteem in elderly nursing home patients can benefit all that are involved with the aged person, from the Nursing Staff to the Kitchen Staff to even the cleaning Staff. Then there are also the Elderly family, if the aged person is happy with the Nursing Home then the Patient will show signs of being satisfied. Then the family will be reassured by their loved one's voice that they have chosen the best place for their loved one to reside in. It is like a snow ball is happy and then all are happy.
[Building Self Esteem]

Praising an athlete for his or her performance on the field, no matter the outcome of a game, can also increase an athlete's self esteem and confidence. When they win, an athlete should be congratulated for his or her victory with hugs and handshakes; when they lose, the athlete should be congratulated for his or her sportsmanship and commendable effort, also with hugs and handshakes. Showing an athlete respect for his or her performance, especially after a loss, will not only boost the athlete's self esteem, but will teach the athlete about good sportsmanship. Whether they win or lose, focusing on the athlete's strengths and what they did well will help boost self-confidence. Not every moment in life can be a victory, and teaching children how to lose gracefully can be just as important as teaching them to win.While verbal praise is very effective at boosting self esteem and confidence in young athletes, rewards like trophies, pizza parties, and team trips can also go a long way. Fun rewards that offer a break from normal, everyday routines can give athletes a sense of pride and a goal to work for. This type of reward-based system teaches young athletes that genuine hard work can result in positive gain.

Thoughts are not enough by themselves. It's not enough to think right. You could sit in a corner and think all the thoughts you want and still not make any change to your condition. You also need to do the required steps. And this takes work, planning, strategy, thinking, action and developing skills. Thinking right is great but it's not enough by itself. You also need to act.There's proof that good health can be influenced by your thoughts.Scientists have discovered how belief works at the physical level. Basically, beliefs can change your cells and even switch off or on your genes. This means that you can become someone else mentally and physically through changing your thought patterns. Also, in the past few years, scientists have discovered through the use of REMs how the thoughts that people have on a daily basis rewires the brain at a physical level.

Five Easy Steps To Build Self Esteem.Ask the Elderly to help make decisions about their day-to-day living as much as possible. So instead of making choices for them, ask how the aged how they would like to be assisted.Give them a small tasks that they are able to complete. Even something as basic as folding the face washers or the towels make the Elder feel important. Ask the aged person what they used to like doing. Did they like gardening? Or painting? Or maybe sewing. Set up activities that the person is able to take part in and enjoy. You will soon see their Self Esteem boosted.Show the person you care about their thoughts, opinions and their history. Get involved in their earlier life and share their memories. If they have photos of their life then ask if you can sit and look through the photos together.Use the Elderly person name every time you speak with them in a conversation. Try to remember that person name so that they can feel important and loved.

Unlike girls, in adolescence boys are naturally competitive and aggressive, encouraging their autonomy and sense of agency. Girls' self-esteem begins to suffer from the age of nine, and by adolescence, they fall behind. Feelings of powerlessness and the need for external validation, especially regarding appearance, increase, while self-esteem declines. Whereas, boys generally tend to challenge authority more than girls, if girls are discouraged from taking risks or pursuing goals, they may develop an attitude of "I can't," instead of "I can." Overtime, such young women may develop a passive attitude toward life. This lack of agency and self-esteem can eventually lead to depression.

So what can you do together? Well that of course depends on the age of the child. It could be sand castle building or vegetable plot creation. Make a list of different things you could do together. See what will attract your children. I find it great fun, to surf the internet together, to seek out activities on your list and see how the children respond. The children love this responsibility and it is a good start in building self esteem in children. If they do not get excited, then never mind, move onto the next activity on your list. I've been surprised at what ages the children pick up different activities and let go of others. Our two boys were still playing with their Brio wooden train set long after we had built a WWII battlefield complete with Hornby trains and airfix models.

How would you like a sure fire tip for increasing your self esteem? Everyone needs a boost sometimes, but there are things you can do on a regular basis to lift yourself up, and stay in a positive mind set.In "The 7 Habits for Highly Effective Teens", Sean Covey refers to our self esteem as our "Personal Bank Account". As with a traditional bank account, we make withdrawals and deposits daily. As with a traditional money account, we like for the deposits to exceed the withdrawals. He suggests things such as using your talents, being honest with yourself, doing small acts of kindness, and in general, taking good care of yourself physically as well as emotionally. One of the most helpful pieces, however, is the advice to keep promises you make to yourself.

Ask yourself what would be different if you took responsibility for your happiness, your financial security, for your safety, and your physical health? What are the benefits of not taking responsibility for your health, finances, goals, emotions, and relationships? Probably you feel better about yourself in areas where you are more self-responsible. You feel effective, raising your self-esteem. It will be lower in the areas where you are less self-responsible.Mary,complained about the string of men in her life who took advantage of her sexually and financially. Rather than change her behavior and choices, she turned to family and friends who were equally selfish, perpetuating the pattern. When she finally realized that no one was going to rescue her, she began to change for the better. She took responsibility for herself, and found her strength. Having been severely abused as a child, she had been convinced that no one could love her. Grieving her past and experiencing her anger at her perpetrators helped her to leave the stop re-creating her family dynamics.

So those are the moments I live for. To be present as the children's self esteem is built block by block. There is an excellent product by Dr Joe Rubino for overcoming negative cellular memory in elevating children's self esteem.Quite often activities are undertaken as part of a community. Vegetable plots on a local allotment are extremely social places. Children's plots can be appreciated by the other allotment members. In our case, the windsurfing school has other surfers on the water who often compliment the boys on how they are progressing.Compliments from others are powerful in building self esteem in children. Teenagers especially look for acceptance in the wider world. Sometimes, this is a big step to take. We have found that self hypnosis products by Uncommon Knowledge can actually help in overcoming a fear of social occasions. Their products can even be used for dealing with exam stresses.Let the children fly. If they take to the activity, support them in their efforts. Let them spread their wings. Remember it is the effort you are praising, not the result.These are the first, essential steps needed to prepare them to leave the nest. The final act for the parent is to allow the children stand on their own two feet. Once they can do this then it is time to kick them out from the family home.Here, is a list of activities which are all terrific for building self esteem in children.I hope you can think of some more, especially mother and daughter ones. Better still post your stories and experiences

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