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The Law Of Attraction For Relationships - 6 Tips To Get The Love Life You Want

By Ollie M. Buhr

Most Law of Attraction techniques for manifesting a fabulous love life include regular visualization, collecting images or creating "vision boards" that reflect our desires, making space for someone new in our lives, scripting about our partner as if they're already here, etc.While these processes help bring our dreams of love to reality, there are other steps required to allow your ideal partner to appear. If you're serious about getting the love life you want, follow these six tips:
[Law Of Attraction Relationships]

If you'll notice the question above which asks about relationship attraction and the very next question about difficulties in attracting lasting love, you'll note that the problem lies in the question. And most of us do this without even noticing. You're probably asking yourself right now: "What is she talking about"?

What's holding most people from attracting their love relationship is that in the very next thought they think what's wrong with me. Let me make this more graphic by example. Cynthia is a client of mine who wants to meet her love match which whom she can build a life. She wants to have a family and her career. So Cynthia is very clear about what she wants. And in the same conversation she tells me about how worried she is because she's getting older. She doesn't have that much time to start a family. And wonders if she really can juggle career and family successfully.

Be open. Let the Universe surprise you. Often the relationships of a lifetime form in ways you never would have expected. Connect with your internal guidance (emotions, gut feelings, intuition) and respect that guidance. It won't steer you wrong.Love yourself the way you want to be loved. Our most important relationship in life is the one we have with ourselves, yet we rarely give this the attention it deserves. Every other relationship in our life is a reflection of how we treat ourselves. For that reason (and also just because it feels good), treat yourself the way you want to be treated. Say and do nice things for yourself. When you're good to you, others will be too!

Now now simply imagine your loved one in love with you. "Your loved one loves you", your desire is fulfilled. How does it feel? Say to yourself as an affirmation 1000's of times "loves me" See what happens in the next 5-7 days. See the shift in energy. Notice how you would feel. Visualize your lover is in love with you. Keep a tab on the feelings. How does it feel? Go lucid in your mind as you make love to your lover. How does it feel? If you do the above stop properly you will realize and laugh at yourself, what was I so desperate for? And once you have done it well, your world opens up. You feel more powerful. If you do this properly you will feel like a winner and your world of choices opens you. You will definitely wonder what the big deal about this person that I was putting so much energy on? Why didn't I just let go before?

Law of Attraction Love.In using the law of attraction to attract love, you must have a clear vision of what you want in your ultimate relationship. We're talking details here, not generalities. And if you don't define exactly what you want, you may end up with a prince that turns into a toad or a witch disguised as a princess.Attracting The Prince or Princess.The thing to realize about Law of Attraction Love is that you will be attracting to you exactly how you feel about yourself. How you feel about yourself, how much you love yourself---will be mirrored to you by the person you attract. So it is very important that you...

An individual would probably say it was not yet my moment in time, however, when I arrived single in my latter thirties, I started to get quite a bit concerned. Why didn't a vision board help me? Why did all those affirmations not get me companionship? I was tired of looking at the hot pink hat directly opposite the entrance to my empty bedroom, as per the Feng Shui manifesting guide I was using.Suddenly I had a lucky opportunity. I had been whining to my sympathetic sister about how lonesome I was. A friend of hers had left in her possession a simple love spell. She said she would send it to me if I wanted it. She did not need it since she currently had a boyfriend.

It really is that simple.All relationships are mirrors of our own self- love.So how do we attract love? By loving ourselves first.This can be an incredibly challenging endeavor for most people. They have no clue where to begin. And it is not an uncommon problem. I find it everywhere I go.One of the biggest problems in the world today is a lack of self-love. Once you learn to love yourself, you have the ability to be compassionate and caring toward others. Until you love yourself, you don't really have the capacity for compassion. If the lack of self-love is at the core of your life that will be reflected back to you every one you meet and in every thing that you do.

I think that's why people struggle for the best house, the best clothes, the best car, the best body---because there's something missing on the inside.Having all these material things are great---but if you seek them to fill the hole inside, you'll find that hole is really a black hole that continually consumes everything around you. It affects and warps the energy field of everything in your life.There's only one thing that fills the black hole within and it is self-love. There's no magic pill you can take that can fix it, but if you pay attention, apply your consciousness and start to love yourself first, watch out, because your life will change for the better.

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