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Make The Laws Of Attraction Work For You

By Eric L. Miller

Did you watch the hit movie called The Secret? If yes, then you might have heard about the best selling self-help book that was written and released later by Rhonda Byrne based on the movie of the same name. Just like film, the tenet of Rhonda's book is that the law of attraction governs the universe. It is said that this natural law works by attracting people, events, situations and experiences which matches the frequency of an individual's feelings and thoughts. With positive thinking and the principles of the laws of attraction, a person could experience life changes which can result in increased wealth, happiness and good health.
[The Laws Of Attraction]

Understanding the Universal Laws of Attraction.In general, the universal laws of attraction suggest that you attract what your mind formulates. This means that what you think about, whether intentionally or unconsciously is what can happen. Thus, by entertaining positive thoughts, you are likely to attract desirable events in your life. Similarly, by being cynical about yourself and those around you, you also allow things to make life harder for you. It is like the universe listens to us and grants us our wishes. In this case, you have to stay hopeful and never put yourself down.

How to Benefit from the Laws of Attraction in Relationships.It is not right to spend all your life waiting for someone to come along yet at the back of your mind you are saying that it is never going to happen. The truth is, love is easy to find if you believe in it. It may not even require you to change anything but your attitude towards yourself. Considering yourself as inferior to others, or relying on someone for your happiness can only make you look and feel miserable. Understand the laws of attraction in love, and make it work for you.

Unfortunately, this book is not delivering the complete process that is needed to use the laws of attraction. The information that is missing from The Secret is preventing many readers from getting the desired results after following the principles of the law.

Feel good about yourself. If you feel good, you look good. We are all beautiful in our own way. If you do not see your own worth, neither will other people. Feeling good about yourself allows you to do your best and be cool around people. Shyness is justifiable, but insecurity begets negative impressions. Keep a positive attitude. An optimistic attitude helps keep the love intact. But if you always think that the relationship will not last long, sooner or later this is what will happen. The same goes if you are still looking for someone to love. If you do not trust that you can find one, then you wont.Many scientists and theorists from across the globe have come to the conclusion that everything is regulated and governed by a set of universal laws such as the law of cause and effect and the law of gravity.

Finally, you must be ready to receive. The ability to accept, feeling great and receive graciously opens the door to unlimited success and wealth. The universe gives to people who are a good receiver. This means that you must keep a positive mindset, feeling deserve to receive and persevere to see the success in each area that you want to manifest in your life.

If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction then you know that this Law is in fact a scientific law stating that "LIKE" attracts "LIKE", so in other words we are like a magnet and whatever we think about in our minds we will attract to ourselves.For instance, focus on something positive and we attract positive things, focus on something negative and we attract negative things. Seems simple enough, so why do so many people struggle with this?

Law of Attraction History.Many people associate the law of attraction with new age movements and similar practices, unfortunately modern media and uneducated bloggers and such like haven't helped matters! It's important to understand that the law of attraction was referenced long before any new age movement and even before western civilization had even gotten wind of any of the universal laws.To the best of my knowledge and knowledge of others it is said that the Buddha had been the first to really introduce mankind to the underlying principles of the law of attraction, although never directly referred to as such.Buddha stated that "what you've become is what you've thought", a statement and notion that the eastern civilization had understood and acknowledged centuries before the western civilization had even heard of it, let alone really understood or practiced it.

Karma also has reference to the law of attraction with their underlying belief that you'll eventually be revisited by that which you've sent out into the world.Everyone has heard the sayings "good karma" and "bad karma", this is where the sayings originate from, it was and still is their belief that if you are kind and compassionate you will be met with kindness and compassion and on the flip side if you have been unkind and shown little compassion then you'll equally be met with the same.So although not directly related to manifesting your desires through thoughts as the law of attraction states, but you can see the closely related theorem of your actions and thought processes literally morphing into physical entities, meaning you're attracting into your life that which you are giving out.

So... is the Law of Attraction real or just hype? I say yes the Law is real and will work for you if you learn how to let go of limiting beliefs and apply the 11 Laws that were not reveled in the hit movie.Personally, the results I saw in my life were incredible after I learned and applied the Law of Forgiveness. Once I was able to "let go" of past hurts and anger I immediately started to attract money. You can and will have the results you want if you discover the 11 Laws that Bob Proctor teaches and has used himself to become hugely successful.

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