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Effective Communication And Conversations With Jesus

By Alissa Gilliam

The Christian life is full of challenges and deceptions form the devil who is our greatest enemy. Without the presence of our Messiah, most Christians would fall victims of the unrighteous teachings of the devil and fall back to sin. In order to maintain the mutual relationship with our lover, the son of God, we must frequently have some conversations with Jesus.

This explains the high possibilities of the existence of the communication to the Lord of Host. For Christians, it is the forum for receiving everlasting salvation and spiritual nourishment. During the fight or in any battle people consult the experts on how they can easily win the battle once and for and defeat their main enemy.

Now in the spiritual context, many Christian believers have the strong feeling that their Master can have conversation with them. The Christ Himself tells us about His father premises which contain many mansions and that He had to go up to prepare the place in readiness to receive the many people who will follow His teachings.

The bible teachings are very clear that we as Christians, who are following the Christ true faith, we are able to communicate to God through His son the Messiah and this is mainly done through prayers. However, this privilege has been taken lightly by falls preachers who present themselves to be the true representatives of God on Earth.

Taking Apostle Peter for example, on his way to church did he talk to Christ? Yes he did, after meeting the lame person he bowed his head and offered a small prayer to God through Christ saying in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth stand up and walk, and I quote. This is a clear indication of one the incidences when we see the Christ followers conduct a communication to their King.

The bible is not clear about whom they were talking to but there has been a perception that they were actually speaking in different kinds of languages which they could only hear to themselves and not any other person.

The next episode to look at from the bible is in the story of the three saints who vowed not to bow to the golden idol made by King Nebuchadnezzar in the time of the great Prophet Daniel. Here we are able to see the picture of Christ conversing with the three.

The episode at the cross in Calvary depicts the conversations that happens between individual human beings and their savior. Here we are able to see two categories of people speaking to Christ. One ends up getting salvation at the last hour while his counterpart a direct ticket to hell.

And so when they convict us from doing the thing they communicate to us and in return we usually pray to God through His beloved Son. This is what is referred to as the conversations with Jesus Christ

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