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Understanding How The Law Of Attraction Works

By Antonio G. Clerk

The law of attraction is essentially a belief or theory, that "like attracts like," and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, you attract positive or negative results. Basically you attract into your life whatever you think about, whether you want it or not. So if you "truly" believe your thoughts, you literally have the power to consciously and deliberately choose what you want in life. What kind of money do you want to make? While the law of attraction has received quite a bit of publicity these days, the concept has been around for centuries and has been known (and used successfully) by many great minds throughout history. It has been written in books that there is evidence the law of attraction was used by Beethoven, Einstein, and even Jesus. Many wonder why it works, and there are reams upon reams of anecdotal evidence confirming it does.
[Law of attraction]

Scientists studying the natural Law of Attraction refer to the energy as a "vibe" or "vibration" (everything has a vibrational frequency), this is where the sayings "good vibes" and "bad vibes" stemmed from. Have you ever been introduced to somebody and immediately picked up a "bad vibe", this is because the frequencies and energy you're both radiating aren't in alignment, therefore there's conflicting energy on a subconscious level.

Although we are unaware of the influence our subconscious mind has on us, it is directly influencing our conscious mind so when your vibes aren't in alignment with the other person you'll immediately get the signal of bad vibes from your conscious mind.You certainly don't need any psychic abilities or such like in order to pick up on the vibes that others are radiating, everyone is picking up these vibes on a subconscious level whether they are aware of it or not. We are always being influenced and stimulated by these vibes.This is how the Law of Attraction works, remember everything is energy or "vibes" and has a frequency so the vibes you're transmitting are drawing the same vibes back to you. Similar to the example above except the energy that the universe is comprised of is responding to the energy you're radiating.

You see... we all have certain beliefs that we were taught as children. Such beliefs can leave us to stop or block the manifesting process. Bob calls these beliefs "paradigms" If we belief that forgiving someone means we are letting them get away with what they did and need to be punished then we are creating blocks that will not allow us to attract anything positive. The same is true if we belief that "money is the root of all evil" (and many of us were taught this as children) then we will never be able to manifest wealth like we want.

So... is the Law of Attraction real or just hype? I say yes the Law is real and will work for you if you learn how to let go of limiting beliefs and apply the 11 Laws that were not reveled in the hit movie. Personally, the results I saw in my life were incredible after I learned and applied the Law of Forgiveness. Once I was able to "let go" of past hurts and anger I immediately started to attract money. You can and will have the results you want if you discover the 11 Laws that Bob Proctor teaches and has used himself to become hugely successful.Supporting healthy eating, using the law of attraction

Do you blame others for some of your misfortunes? Once you acknowledge that only you can manifest that which you desire you will be in good stead to proceed through the next three steps.Here you need to be completely honest with yourself and ask yourself how committed you really are to making your dreams a reality. Most people give up to early because they don't see the results that they want fast enough, it takes time to really accept that you can or already have received that which you desire.

You need to use the law of attraction in a way that you can become a better and more confident person so that you can break yourself out of the trance and need to use food as a support system. Food can never be a true support system, however, if you learn how to work on yourself from the inside out, you will be able to find self-control and self discipline and start making healthy choices. You will need to use every step of the law of attraction to help you to get to a good place inside.

Most often, those who are aware of The Law of Attraction and use it in their daily life focus on what they're attracting to themselves.That knock-kneed clich, "misery loves company", is a prime example of this Universal Law in action. Nothing makes a victim happier than finding another victim with whom they can commiserate. And nothing makes them more uncomfortable than being amongst happy people who are satisfied with themselves and their lives.The Law of Attraction is a powerful force in the Universe. But it works in the opposite way, too. As we all know, for every force there is an equal and opposite force.Aversion Therapy could be called the anti-force of The Law of Attraction. Instead of attracting or magnetizing to you what you want, it propels you away from what you don't want.Using the Carrot vs. Stick theory, The Law of Attraction would be the carrot and Aversion Therapy is the stick.

You will also need to think about the way that the negative energy makes you feel and also how the positive attitude or energy makes you feel. Then you have to choice to let go of the negative feelings and think about the ways that the positive energy will affect you. You will want to consider that there are many things that you will need to do in order to let go of the baggage and that this step could take you awhile. Feel free to use therapy techniques like massage therapy to replace your negative energy with positive energy.The third step says that you need to see yourself in that way, however, when it comes to eating, you will find no need to shovel in the bad stuff. You will be able to break your habits with step two and once you have released that energy, you will feel like a completely different person. The last step says that you need to accept what it is that you have asked for, however, you just need to learn how to accept yourself in this case. Reflect on all the hard work that it was and how much it really changed you. You will find that the reflection will show even more respect for yourself and for the process.

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